E-commerce Team in China

E-commerce operations that will save money and drive profitable growth to your brand

Contact Us

Map of China

What we do for you

Extensive Market Research

Get a tailor-made, in-depth market study to uncover opportunities & insights before you make a decision

Operations Staffing

Including live chat, 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, to answer all your customers’ questions in real time

Design Optimization

From creative concepts to testing for maximum conversion rates

Media Buying

Daily testing of big amounts, keywords, target segments, and ad copy

Live Streaming

Regular in-house livestreams on every product in your store

Channel Management

Monitoring all online channels in accordance with you MAP policy

Influencer Enlistment

We filter and choose the right content creators for you

Weekly Check-in Calls

Regular office hours just for you – ask anything

Weekly Reports

Summaries of key metrics delivered to your inbox

Detailed Monthly Reports

Analysis on each month’s key wins, challenges, opportunities and next steps

Retail Activation

Tap into our offline retail distribution network over 1600 retail stores in the region

Over 60+ brands supported to scale in China since 2008



Retail Partners

Chang Logo

Choosing Logo
citysuper Logo
Costco Logo
Cuneiform Logo
Dragonstar Logo
Dream Room
Eway Logo
Eagles Nest Logo
i:Dea Logo
iLight Logo
Lane Crawford Logo
i-Zone Logo
Jsm Logo
K11 Logo
KJLife Logo
LOL Logo
Luxemporium Logo
Onezero Logo
Peez Logo
Reyibo Logo
Shape Logo
Shangyi Logo
Shenhui Logo
SKP Logo
Snow 51 Logo
Specialized Logo
Studio A Logo
Sundan Logo
Sunion Logo

Trek Logo
TWorld Logo
UP Clinic Logo
Vbeings Logo
Xinya Logo

E-Commerce Platforms

Ping Duo Duo
Xiao Hong Shu

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